How to Improve Your Memory

How to Improve Your Memory

Do you have problems remembering things that were seemingly simple to remember before? Do you have difficulty putting faces and names together? Memory loss can be controlled and proper care can help you maintain your memory even as you get older. Here are a few things you can do to overcome memory loss.

Things You'll Need:

name of a natural doctor

health food store

pad and pen

desire to overcome


Feed your brain. Visit an alternative or natural doctor or go to your health food store and speak with an expert. They will recommend you to a high-potency multivitamin/mineral supplement that will supply many of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory nutrients needed to help control memory loss. A healthy brain requires a daily vitamin supplement of vitamins A, B, C, E, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Selenium, Chromium and Beta-carotene. Ginkgo and Periwinkle are herbs that also help with brain circulation.


Limit your intake of refined sugars and toxins which tend to pump out the hormone insulin.


Avoid trans-fats in your diet, which are inflammation producers found in processed foods, and are labeled as "hydrogenated vegetable oils."


Consider cutting back on foods such as wheat, milk and corn that are common allergens and can contribute to memory loss problems. A natural doctor could better determine if this is the case.


Mental exercise. Commit to daily activities that stimulate and challenge your mind, such as scrabble, word or number games or trivia. When you don't exercise your brain--as in watching TV--it relaxes and becomes weak the same way your muscles do if you don't physically exercise.


Physical exercise. Stimulate and improve your mental attitude with walking - not a brisk walk but a slow walk where you can observe your surroundings and be aware of everything you see and hear. First thing in the morning is best for maximum daily alertness. As well, regular aerobic exercise also stimulates the brain.


Stress reduction. Practice a relaxation exercise daily, either deep breathing, meditation or an exercise such as tai chi or yoga. Stress causes the body to pump out high levels of the hormone cortisol, which can eventually damage the memory part of the brain.


Keep a small notepad and pen on hand and write everything down.


Acquaint new faces with a familiar face and write it down into your note pad: do they look like someone in Hollywood or remind you of a relative or teacher.


and events. Keep a tick file nearby and write in dates and events so that you can be reminded of them ahead of time.


Make an association between a word or name and a visual picture. Picture something in your mind that they remind you of. It can be as silly as you want it to be because it's your private memory box and no one else will know: your boss' wife is Becky and he invited you to supper. To remember her name, you could visualize her as his better half (which is "be") and she has the key ("ky") to his house.

Tips & Warnings

These suggestions are not a replacement for any medications for people suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer's.

If you have any doubts or concerns about your memory loss, you should visit your doctor or a natural doctor to get a proper prescription of vitamin supplements that are for you.